If a myspace Profile has recently switched to Private within the past month, you can usually find a google cached version of the page.
-written by Patrick
Keep in mind that it is probably possible to get tracked if there is a myspace tracker in that profile.
In a google search box, Enter the profiles url or friend ID into the following url where the x's are:
click the link that says cached (found below the google hit).
or type this in google along with a little descriptive info about target (such as name of school, city, name, etc)
You will only be able to view the page as is. It wont show current info (its a snapshot from a time in the past) and the links for things such as photo, blog, and friends will take you to the message "This profile is set to private, you must add them..."
Here is how to view clips of blogs. You can usually see clips of blogs that were made before the profile went to private:
-Use the blog list code to get the name of a blog.
-Go to google and click on the "more" link found at the top of the page
-choose "blogs"
-Enter in the name of the blog enclosed in quotation marks. If it is a widely used name of a blog, you may need to put in the myspace user name or ID, or their city/state. Usually the name of the blog in quotation marks along with the myspace user name will suffice.
**note: there is a current code that allows you to see parts of all myspace blogs, found in another post.
After about a month, the profile and blog disappears off of google cache. It may be possible to see cached versions of other parts of profiles.
If you see a cached verison of a profile, grab all data. (such as, friend IDs--by hovering over the avatars of their top friends or avatars in their comment section--the friend ID will appear in the status bar while hovering over an avatar).
You can also right click on images found in comments to get album names for photobucket.
While you are viewing the cached version of a private profile and you see a slideshow on it--such as slide.com--click on view all images. It will then take you to the website of the slideshow.
Bookmark that page to your browser favorites. Now you have access to their slideshow for the duration of their slideshow account. You get to see all future slideshows they create by just going to your browser favorites. Be sure to export that favorite link to a disk so that you never lose it location.
Also with slide.com, when you click on view all images-you will see a username at the right top part of the page. That username is usually the first part of their email address. You can usually find their email address by adding mail clients such as yahoo, hotmail, etc. after the user name. Do this searching in myspace's search(find-a-friend feature) until you find a match. This will help you determine what email address someone is using for their myspace account.